European Works Council (EWC)
The European Works Council (EWC) represents the interests of all Solvay employees in Europe, including the United Kingdom. Its main purpose is to discuss and disseminate information relating to matters that have a significant impact on employees and undertakings within Europe and the UK.
Key responsibilities
The European Works Council aims to discuss and communicate on:
The general functioning of the Group related to:
- the structure.
- the economic and financial situation.
- the likely evolution of the business production and sales.
- safety, health and environmental policy, the general directions of the social policy of the Group and the major Human Resources projects.
Transnational matters within the European law related to:
- the situation in terms of employment and its likely evolution.
- investments undertaken at Group level or involving several countries.
- the substantial changes regarding the Group’s organization.
- the introduction of new working methods or of new processes of production.
- the production transfers, mergers, acquisitions, downsizing or closure of undertakings or establishments or significant parts thereof.
- collective redundancy plans.

Governance of the European Works Council
Membership of the EWC must meet the following criteria:
One member per country that
- has a manufacturing facility with a minimum of 40 employees
- OR where Solvay has at least 100 employees
Countries receive an additional seat per 800 employees.
Once a year, the Select Committee extends to include its four substitutes to discuss a specific agenda on matters related to sustainable development, hygiene, safety, environment, and digitalization.
The Select Committee meets monthly and facilitates meetings with management and communication between management and employee representatives.
Employee Representatives select one secretary, three deputy secretaries and four substitutes.
The Secretary is nominated by the employee representatives and oversees meetings, communication and administrative matters.
Our composition
The Solvay EWC comprises of 11 countries with 13 representatives: