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Growing global employee representation over the span of decades

Solvay Global Forum (SGF)

Establishing a global partnership with IndustriALL Global Union

In the years following the formation of the European Works Council, the decision was made to extend its authority beyond the EU directive and include all Solvay workers worldwide.

In 2013, Solvay signed a Global Framework Agreement on Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development with IndustriALL , a global union federation that represents more than 50 million working people in over 140 countries. The agreement sets minimum standards and principles for Solvay’s dealings with all its stakeholders and the environment and ensures the involvement of all employees in the implementation of those standards and principles.

The formation of the Solvay Global Forum

To ensure the General Framework Agreement is correctly implemented, the Solvay Global Forum was established in 2015.

The Solvay Global Forum brings together employee representatives from the major countries and regions in which Solvay operates to oversee the implementation of the agreement, and to facilitate top-down and bottom-up communication between employee representatives and senior management on economic, financial and social matters.

In 2017, the Solvay Global Forum was recognized as a permanent body of Solvay.